GALERIE: Postižený kocourek dobývá internet! Čím je tak zvláštní?

5. dubna 2018·Zábava·Barbora Pisingerová

Tenhle postižený kocourek se stal hitem internetu. Jeho majitelé mu vytvořili profily na sociálních sítí a ty dnes pravidelně sleduje 250 tisíc lidí. Kočičák si svou popularitu získal velmi snadno. Navzdory svému postižení je to veselý bavič!

Rexie je čtyřletý kocourek, který to v životě neměl vůbec jednoduché. Fungují mu jenom dvě přední pacičky a on se tak každý den potýká se svým postižením. Naštěstí pro něj si z toho vůbec nic nedělá. Každý den dokazuje svému okolí, že ze všeho nejdůležitější je váš přístup – ať už vás potká cokoli. A právě proto si ho zamilovaly tisíce lidí z celého světa. Podívejte se na něj do galerie!

When people say that disabled cats can't live a good life. Rexie: Hold my beer, I'm going to prove them wrong! . "Disabled" is not a word Rexie lives by, and this video is a great example of how lacking ability to use his limbs doesn't bother or affect him a bit! (He's chasing a bug) #RexieWalk . Unlike people, cats don't think of what they don't have or can't do. Instead, they focus on what they have and can do. Life is never perfect and is full of bad things. Adjusting and learning to see the good in it is what we must do. . Rexie can't survive on his own due to his inability to urinate/defecate, so he requires a human who would do that for him. That's the reason he's called a special needs cat. But other than that.., look at him, isn't he freaking enjoying his life? Isn't he looking like a happy cat doing silly cat things? He loves living and he wants to keep living despite all the struggles and bad experiences. There's something to learn from him! (He does not need a wheelchair, handicats do much more better without it). . Cats like Rexie are amazing and should never be underrated, let alone euthanized only because people assume they are "defective". They by no means are. They're full of life and love to give back to their humans who shower them with good care! #LifeAppreciation #AdoptDontShop . Check out the hashtag #LearnAboutRexie if you want to know more about him! ?

A post shared by Handicat that walks on two ? (@rexiecat) on

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